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Churchill: One of the Greats or the Greatest?
Sir Winston Churchill has been thought of by many to be the greatest Prime Minister the United Kingdom has ever had and there are many...

Social Affairs: Snapshot of a City
Gloucester – a future or none? The City of Gloucester is my home turf and most people have an image of the city, believing it to be a...
Social Affairs: Lowering the Voting Age
Should the UK, nationwide, lower the voting age to sixteen? There is a debate to be had. Arguments both for and against. We should...
Questioning life and the future
As I get ever closer to adulthood, I find myself asking questions about not only my own life but also the lives of others still in their...
Politics: Yellow Vests and Protests
France has appeared to be on the verge of a national crisis over recent weeks with President Macron’s imposition of fuel taxes resulting...
Social Affairs: The Power of the Written Word
My presence on KJM Today has, it seems, been remarked upon by some, and the question asked, why am I doing this, why am I contributing to...
Politics: Are we really represented by our MPs?
Kevan James’ article yesterday, ‘Sacking the Posers’, makes interesting reading, although I can’t help feeling that he missed an...
Social Affairs: Overloaded Snowflakes or Overstressed School Students?
There is an unfortunate and slightly unfair mainstream media depiction of today’s students, whether at university or school. Derided as...
Politics. Brexit and the Young; Fact or Fantasy?
There are a number of myths surrounding the young, most often and in particular promoted by politicians, who are very fond of saying...
Brexit: Epic Fail or Big Success?
However one dresses it up (or undresses it), Brexit is not and will not be a failure, as some would have us believe. I would suggest that...
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