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Who Can Answer the Questions?

Tuesday October 12, 2021

UK Today

Who Can Answer the Questions?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is well-known for his love of quirky phrases and jokey terminology. Indeed his speech to the Conservative party conference was littered with both. One must look beyond such things however, and questions seem never to be answered.

Much is made currently of a drive for higher wages, including by the PM himself. Understandably, most people would jump at the chance to increase their earnings but an immediate question is from where will the money come?

At ground level, ordinary people want to know where they will find the money simply to survive this coming winter, faced with ever-rising heating bills, constantly increasing food bills and always higher bills for everything else. That’s before anybody even gets close to thinking about the eye-watering costs of complying with the government’s so-called ‘green’ agenda and its desire to do away with anything fuelled by gas or oil, leaving the UK solely reliant on electricity for everything.

And there are no answers from Labour either. Just as enamoured of everything and anything connected with the colour green, the party is currently led by a man who seems obsessed with wokery and telling men they can have a cervix.

Higher wages and salaries would be nice but would it not be more practical to do something about reducing the costs of merely staying alive?

The UK desperately needs a new set of MPs in the House of Commons, men and women drawn from the ranks of people who have led real lives, people who have coped with the real-life difficulties never faced by the super-elite. People who can and will answer the questions of those they serve.

Until that happens, we will continue to be led by fantasists who have no idea of the consequences of their bandwagon-jumping opportunism.

Image - M. D. Beckwith

Airlines and Airports Today

Optimism Always

The airline world has always been a hotbed of optimism, full of people who believe they can succeed where others previously failed. There is much to be said for this and for people who want to try.

It is nevertheless quite remarkable to see, in the teeth of the biggest upset ever faced by civil aviation and with the jaws of COVID-19 still clamped around air travel (not to mention the ever-hungry molars of government control), how many entrepreneurs around the world have created new air transport companies.

A number of these new airlines intend to operate or have started operating in areas of higher demand - principally in domestic settings like the United States, where the ability to travel is not constrained by national borders and where the potential distances are significant.

Despite the travails of 2020 and 2021, many airports have also taken the downturn as an opportunity to rebuild and renew facilities, or to continue with progress started before the pandemic struck.

Even so, demand everywhere can be artificially reined in by government diktat – as we have seen.

While it is always sad to see the demise of established names, it is still welcome to know that there will be those whose optimism will see air travel continue. Their efforts are worthy of recognition and success.

Image - Kevan James

© KJM Today 2021



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