Multiculturalism Has Failed

The Northern Variant
August 12, 2024.
The issue at hand is that multiculturalism has comprehensively failed.
Labour cannot admit this, has no idea what to do about it, thus the policy is one of dissent suppression.
To a point, this worked for Blair as he rewrote the language of political discourse, to implement the regime of political correctness. Though there was much derision, we entered an era of mass self-censorship to such an extent that even UKIP did not openly talk about immigration, ceding the territory to the then-ascendant BNP.
This time, around, it's not going to work. Kier Starmer's Labour has to coexist with social media and we are not going to cooperate. They can round some of us up and make examples of us, but that will only intensify dissent.
We have turned a corner here, where the state has declared open war on the public's right to speak on what is the defining issue of our age; The state is not willing to take any action in defence of Britain as an ethnic homeland, and we must simply acquiesce to it.
Britain is to become a balkanised multi-ethnic anarcho-tyranny where the greatest crime of all is to notice the obvious. Democracy, though, if it means anything at all, is the right to disagree with the state.
As such, the stakes could not be higher. Starmer is going to crack down on wrong-think on the internet and turn the legacy press into a witch-hunt operation. You are going to see levels of psychopathy from the British state that surpasses anything we saw during lockdown, or in the fifty years prior.
The multiculturalist narrative is the one that must never be questioned. We have seen creeping intuitional capture of the police and the CPS in recent times, and it's always been leading to this.
The criminal justice system has become a Stasi Nightwatch answerable directly to Starmer who is a creature of it. Do not underestimate the lengths to which he will go. That tweeters are facing longer jail terms than child molesters is no administrative oversight or blip. It reflects the regime's value system.
A crime against the person is a second order offence compared to a crime against the state narrative. In Starmer's eyes, we are all far right now, and that's all the justification he needs to eradicate what's left of our basic democratic rights.
His contempt for democracy was already well established in 2016. Do not underestimate him. His contempt for the British people is absolute.
This is now an existential struggle for the dying liberal regime and it will fight to the death.
© Pete North 2024

Kevan James
As remarkable as it may seem - at least to me, and no I still don't believe it - I'm now old enough to remember a time when, by and large, everybody got along quite well. As a major seafaring nation, with active ports in London, Liverpool and elsewhere, ships from all over the world docked and discharged not only their cargo but sailors from everywhere too.
As a nation, we've long seen the differences between various members of the human race. And the UK is a nation that led the world in the abolition of slavery based merely on the colour of somebody's skin.
No, we aren't perfect, we never have been and there has always been an element of racism from native Brits - just as there has been elsewhere. Even so, again as a nation we didn't fret too much over people from other countries settling here. We have a record for it, including giving shelter to many oppressed people from various dictatorships around the world. That includes those with different religious beliefs also.
Did you know for example, that the oldest purpose-built Mosque in Britain, the Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking, Surrey, was built in 1889 by a Jew, Gottlieb Leitner. It's still there now, today, 135 years later.
Certainly there were growing problems with significant immigration to the UK in the 1960s. Many people who came here can recall - vividly - the outright hostility they faced but nevertheless and again broadly speaking, we got along okay.
However, what did not happen was an ideology pressed on the British people. That didn't happen until, as correctly stated above, the Blair government of 1997 came to power. The real significance was it's time in office - 13 years and the longest time in Labour's history. For the first time Labour and those who hide behind it had time to get to work, and they did.
The damage done to the United Kingdom was incalculable and what we see today is the direct result of it.
© Kevan James 2024