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Labour's Arrogance

The Northern Variant

January 14, 2025.

I've not been myself lately. It's not unusual for me to rattle off at least one six hundred word articles a day, but it's just not in me at the moment. It's all been said. All we can do is watch in horror as an intellectually and morally debased Labour party makes everything worse, and in fact going to pained extents to avoid getting even one thing right. Now we're paying the price of Labour's arrogance.

These people genuinely thought their hackneyed, infantile ideas would turn things around, but now they're in office, everything they touch turns to excrement and they just don't understand why. They think they have to go harder and faster on all the things that are wrecking us in the first place, and there is nobody in their sphere of influence capable of telling them what's going wrong and why.

Most people grasp that secure, abundant and cost effective energy is the cornerstone of any economy, but Labour sees the national grid as a job creation scheme and a means to virtue signal to a non existent international audience. They're surrounded by lobbyists and rentseekers so there is nobody to tell them they're screwing the dog. Meanwhile, Rachel Reeves still hasn't grasped the concept of the Laffer curve, and even though industry is telling her that the NI hike has stalled hiring, leftists still think the solution is to put taxes up again.

Ultimately they believe in state directed economies, but they forgot that to be remotely good at it, you have to on some level think about the workers. That's the problem. I mean, socialism sucks for sure, but Labour doesn't care one bit about British workers. It cares about the rights of foreign rapists more than women's safety, and cares more about climate virtue signalling than keeping the lights on and keeping the auto industry in business. Again, there is nobody close to them with first hand experience of the damage they're doing, and even if there were, the ends justify the means to the likes of Miliband et al.

It doesn't help that none of them are especially bright. Starmer is really in the doo-doo if he has to sack any of his front bench for incompetence because he was scraping the barrel as it is. These are some of the lowest calibre politicians of all time and it really is the best they can do. So far they've managed to shaft farming, education and manufacturing and if interests rates go up again, we're going to start seeing people losing their homes.

Most of what they do is motivated by spite and envy, and the rest is just pure delusion. Worse still, Labour is trying to prop up a dying order that's collapsing faster than they can comprehend. They weren't anticipating any of this strife. They honestly believed they would do it better than the Tories, and they've persuaded themselves that anyone with pedestrian right wing views is a far right demon. Consequently, they've made enemies of everyone, and they have no supporters outside of their immediate client base. The game is up for them, but we still have to endure at least another four years of their abject incompetence.

Worse still, since they can't they turn public opinion around, they're looking at ways to control the message, not realising that they can't and the more they try, the more they will antagonise. These people are arrogant, ignorant, stupid and petty, and it's only the tides of history keeping them in check right now. Watching all this just leaves me in a catatonic state of dismay and disbelief, even though, paradoxically, nothing they're doing surprises me. If there's a wrong end of the stick, they will grasp it with both hands, and they will do it with all the charm and charisma of a wet dishcloth.

It's not even as though they can take any of the heat off themselves by conceding to a public inquiry on rape gangs since their own councillors and party officials are up to their necks in it, and their MPs can't afford to hack off the Muslim vote in their backyards. Starmer inherited a binfire of a party, riddled with antisemitism, but now it transpires there's noncery at every level and the voter base they depend on the most have the most to lose from a public inquiry.

On all the headline issues, Labour is completely done. They've abandoned any attempt at deterrence so they're not going to stop the boats, they aren't going to "smash the gangs", and they're not going to get a better deal from the EU. Especially if their negotiating skill is reflected in the Chagos deal. The only thing in their favour is that they'll be marginally better than the Tories on immigration because they couldn't be any any worse.

But all the same, we're still spending more on the externalities of garbage immigration that we spend on education and defence, and we're borrowing heavily to do it. None of this is news to you though.

You've seen the same news content as me, day in day out, and each day we watch the apparatus of state sink deeper into its hole of corruption, degeneracy and debasement, with no means of arresting the decline at our disposal. Our options are to crawl back to a a Lib-Demmy Tory party led by a middle manager, or vote for an incompetent blowhard populist party led by a clueless charlatan. The prognosis is not good. I had postulated that perhaps power cuts might be enough to wake the public up, but that's wishful thinking. They will keep the lights on somehow, but only by energy rationing through price, where turning on the washing machine will be an expensive luxury for low income families.

We'll see a rise in relative poverty, to which Labour will respond with more taxes and more destruction of private wealth. They can be unfathomably bad, but with the right split between the Tories and Reform, they may even get a whole decade to hammer the last nails into Britain's coffin. The real danger is that the decline happens in more subtle ways so that we simply adapt to it, month on month, until nobody can remember it being any other way, with Greek levels of corruption and runaway inflation.

I don't see a party like Reform coming to the rescue. It will more than likely split or implode due to its intellectual incoherence and lack of unity. It could merge with the Tories just to become another sludge coalition of conflicting ideas, just as the Tory party was under Johnson, and without a plan, it will accomplish sweet FA.

Those of us on the right who are paying attention are all basically agreed now that immigration must be more or less halted, and that mass deportations are needed, we must leave the ECHR, scrap Net Zero, and purge the public sector, but without power, all we can do is watch our politicians flush the country down the toilet, to the rapturous applause of an equally debased media.

It's enough to give anyone the thousand-yard stare. Turns out I haven't been suffering from writer's block. It's PTSD.

© The Northern Variant / Pete North 2025.

Image - © Bob Moran

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