Dallas/Forth Worth Pictorial

Kevan James
August 11, 2022.
Opening for business in January 1974 Dallas/Forth Worth International was and remains one of the world's unique air transport hubs. Home to American Airlines, whose headquarters are just south of the airport, DFW as it is usually known, has become one of the world's busiest.
Looking Back -

The biggest operator during the earliest years was Braniff, whose multi-coloured Boeings connected the airport to destinations across the USA and further afield, including London. Braniff even had a Concorde service on the route, albeit using a British Airways aircraft which flew supersonic from the UK to Washington before becoming a sub-sonic US domestic flight.
American have always maintained a strong presence in North Texas but competition came from Delta, who maintained a mini-hub at DFW until cost-cutting in the 1990s saw it closed (the Atlanta-based carrier continue to serve DFW however).

Below: The 1990s saw a seventh runway constructed
Image - Dallas/Ft Worth Airport

AA domestic terminal interior in the 1990s
Image - Dallas/Ft Worth Airport
DFW Today
Today, despite the airline industry being savaged by world government response to COVID-19, DFW is rapidly regaining its former pre-eminent position.
American remain the biggest airline but even though other airlines have come and gone (the already mentioned Braniff being one, along with Pan Am, TWA and others) the airline world still looks towards North Texas and the Dallas Forth Worth metroplex as the area is known, to start service.

Image - Dallas/Ft Worth Airport

With thanks to the Media Relations team at DFW.