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The Real People's Vote Part Two

Anything said here, on Monday October 21, 2019, will become very rapidly out-of-date with each passing day this week. Even so, there are sentiments and opinions that must be expressed.

The UK still stands on the brink; either it will leave the European Union on October 31 or it won't. Our bet is that it will not. As we said last week, if it does not, this will not be the fault of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

He continues to be frustrated by MPs determined to overturn the result of the referendum. These wretched people say they want a deal; we have a deal. Now they say they don't want it. These sly, scheming, self-interested little nobodies want to amend the deal to the point where it stops brexit altogether. But they won't allow a general election either.

This is because they know that a majority - a huge, vast majority - of the electorate, the people who allowed them to have their well-paid positions as MPs, will throw them out. The majority of people, both those who voted to leave and those who voted to remain, are fed up with them. We must repeat yet again our opinion that there are too many MPs who have failed in their duty to both country and constituency.

There is only one 'people's vote' that now matters. A general election must be held, with new candidates standing, Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and yes, independent Conservatives and Independent Labour and Independent Liberal Democrats as well as those free of any party.

Those candidates must be people that have spent time doing real jobs, earning a real living. They must not be comprised of career politicians who have no experience of the real lives of those they purport to represent.

The existing group of sad, sorry, inadequate non-entities have given up any right to call themselves the representatives of the people. We do not have to ask them to go. We do not have to plead with them. We do not have to beg them to get out of our House of Commons. They must be removed by any lawful, legal means necessary and as soon as it is possible to do so. We can and are telling them. We are demanding this because we the people - are the boss of the MP.

Get out of our Parliament. Now.

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