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Talk the Talk but Walk the Walk

Whatever one's opinion of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, there is little doubt that, for now at least, he has given many people in the UK something of a lift with his words thus far.

Words are of course one thing and actions another but even though his appointment of Priti Patel as Home Secretary has been met with some disquiet, her words are also to be welcome when she talks of putting fear into the criminally minded.

That the UK has seen an increase in crime is undisputed but it is one thing to talk big, another to actually do something positive to deal with crime.

The Home Secretary's initial stance is still a step in the right direction. However, there is more to things than simply wielding a big stick and for that matter, using it as well. Yes, we entirely support the principle of catching criminals and seeing to it that hard evidence is detected, correct charges brought and if guilty, the right sanction imposed.

A word of caution however; events over the past few weeks have also shown that it is all to easy in the UK for the Police (and the Crown Prosecution Service) to get carried away and misuse the powers they have.

While the desire to find those genuinely guilty of wrongdoing is sound, we must not lose sight of the fact that the presumption of innocence is the most important aspect of Police work there is. By all means give the Police what they need to do their job but with that comes responsibility. And that means not just looking for and proving guilt but also looking for and proving innocence.

There are far too many in the UK today who have been on the end of false allegations. So don't just talk the talk - walk the walk as well.

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