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Editorial: HS2 – Time to pause?

HS2 – Time to pause?

HS2, or to give it the full name, High Speed 2, is not a bad idea, but like so many British infrastructure projects, it has and is, suffering from poor management and even worse financial control. As to the benefits it may bring, these have, so far, not proved the case for carrying on with it.

Although it is a good idea, the problems associated with it and in particular, the cost, mean that it is time to pause and think again. The money it is swallowing would be better spent elsewhere. There are funding requirements in so many areas that really would be of better value.

This of course, includes the NHS and Defence among other things. One of those others is the freeze on welfare benefits, which have remained static since being imposed by David Cameron and George Osborne in 2010. People who are in genuine need are suffering since the cost of living has risen markedly over the last eight-a-half years, yet their income has remained the same, which is why the use and the need for foodbanks has risen at the same time.

Yes, we do need to upgrade the UK’s railway infrastructure, but not at the cost, both financially and in terms of people’s lives, as at present.



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