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Editorial: Parents and Screen Time

Education Secretary Damian Hinds has said that parents should lead by example and put their phones away, following the recent reporting of social media use and the tragedy of teenage suicide. Mr Hinds told a Church of England conference last Thursday: ‘We are saying spend time together – that does also involve grown-ups putting their phones away.’

Yet this is a point that has already been raised in the pages of KJM Today. We have consistently said that, although social media companies do indeed have to deal with harmful content quickly, the ultimate responsibility for what children do lies with their parents and it is an unfortunate fact that too many are staring at their own phones and computer screens at the expense of their young.

The internet can and does play a vital and important role in life today but it must be taken as a part of life and not the only and dominant aspect. It has become easy to blame the internet for all ills but at the end of the day, it is people who count.

KJM Today has asked to interview a number of people at the top end of society regarding parental control and none – so far – have agreed to discuss this with us.

Damian Hind’s comments make a welcome change. It is indeed time for people to take responsibility for their own lives.



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