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Legal Action Against the UK Government

June 24, 2016

By Alain Tolhurst for Politics Home.

Figures from across the live music and theatre sector are launching legal action today to force the government to hand over data about its mass event pilots. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Cameron Mackintosh have joined industry body LIVE and others in formally requesting the results of Phase 1 of the Events Research Programme (ERP) are made public.

Despite revealing no Covid outbreaks have been traced back to the events, ministers have not published any information about the pilots so far, pointing to the delay to step 4 of Boris Johnson’s lockdown roadmap for withholding the report. But this week more festivals have decided to cancel this summer due to the uncertainty over how and when the relevant restrictions will be eased, and a lack of transparency over the ERP, which is being run by the department for culture, media and sport (DCMS).

Industry figures involved in the legal challenge are criticising the government for not outlining the scientific basis for its decision to maintain restrictions on most events, while the live entertainment sector has “spent the last few months participating in, and paying for, full capacity pilot events as part of the ERP”.

In a statement LIVE said: “As well as declining to publish the ERP results, the government is yet to provide any form of insurance scheme for the sector or to make it clear what kind of ongoing mitigations may be required in the future – effectively making it impossible to plan for any live entertainment business.

“The short-term hit is stark. Industry research indicates that the potential four-week delay to reopening will lead to around 5,000 live music gigs being cancelled, as well as numerous theatre productions across the country, costing hundreds of millions of pounds in lost income.”

They are also critical of the third round of pilots in the ERP, announced in the wake of the Johnson’s decision to delay step 4, when all restrictions are due to end, to 19 July.

“It is clear that these pilots are little more than a way of allowing certain high-profile events to go ahead, primarily large-scale sporting events, while keeping the rest of the sector shut,” the claimants added.

LIVE has asked the court to consider their application at an urgent hearing, accusing the government of breaching the "duty of candour” when faced with a legal challenge and failing to say why the ERP data is being withheld.

Responding to an urgent question on the publication of the data in the Commons this week, DCMS minister Nigel Huddleston told MPs: "Although we are not yet in a position to publish the full report, I can assure the House that post-event data closely monitored have not shown any evidence of the events causing outbreaks. If they had, we would have communicated that information urgently.”

The group is also calling for the government to step in and address the market failure in the provision of commercial Covid cancellation cover, and publish updated guidance on how events will be able to operate after 19 July.

Lloyd Webber (left) has already been an outspoken critic of the government's handling of the ERP, and last week rejected an offer for an exception to be made for his latest production, Cinderella, by including it in the programme.

In a statement released on announcing his decision to join LIVE's legal challenge, he emphasised the importance of the implications of continued restrictions across the entire industry.

“Today, with a range of voices from across the theatre and live entertainment industries, we are forced to take it further. We simply must now see the data that is being used to strangle our industry so unfairly," Lloyd Webber wrote. “The government’s actions are forcing theatre and music companies off a cliff as the summer wears on, whilst cherry-picking high-profile sporting events to go ahead. The situation is beyond urgent.”

Stuart Galbraith, music promoter and LIVE co-founder, said: “The live music industry has been very willing to work with government for the last year to show that our industry can operate safely. But it is intolerable that after running pilot shows for the government’s Events Research Programme, at our own cost, we have been blocked from seeing the results, leaving the whole sector in limbo with the real chance that the entire summer could collapse for the second year running.”

The prime minister’s official spokesperson said: “We will report on the findings ahead of step 4 as we've always said.”

© Alain Tolhurst / 2021

Images via Politics Home

KJM Today Comment

As long as the government continues to hide behind the myths that it has allowed to surround COVID-19, and as long as distortions and half-truths are allowed to flourish by mis-information and disinformation, the country will remain divided.

It will also leave itself open to legal challenge - one has to ask; if Gina Miller had the means to take court action over Brexit, is there nobody with similar means willing take the same action over government decisions that are at best, open to question, at worst blatantly discriminatory against so many ordinary people across England and the UK?

This government, led by Boris Johnson, has shown itself to be either weak in the face of unelected so-called 'experts' or comprised of individuals who are all too willing to indulge in the long-since discredited tactics of dictatorship.

And it is destroying the very fabric of our society.

© KJM Today 2021



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