Breakway Isolation

The reaction across Europe to news that six English football clubs, in tandem with another six, three each from Spain and Italy, want to have their own European ‘Super League’ has been commendably unified in condemnation.
We join that condemnation without reservation.
A number of so-called big clubs have been down this road before and they have failed to get similar ideas off the ground. They must fail again and if needed, all these clubs must be thrown out of all leagues and other competitions in which they currently participate.
Further to that, their players must also be considered as not required for their national teams and most importantly, the chairman, boards of directors and senior officials banned from all and any involvement in football at any level – permanently.
We routinely ban people from driving when they abuse the trust placed in them by driving carelessly, negligently or under the influence of alcohol and drugs. We equally routinely ban people from working with children or any other vulnerable groups when a similar trust is abused. As we do from other activities when trust is breached.
We must do the same when megalomaniac and just plain greedy football club owners and officials conspire to create an exclusive cabal, into which no outsiders can be admitted and no ‘founding’ member relegated. Done not for any good reason, but solely to grasp more money and keep it for themselves.
If these clubs proceed with this wretched plan, we say to football authorities at all levels, wave the clubs goodbye and de-register the players. To the players we say, leave these clubs. A so-called ‘top’ club isn’t anything without top players. Play for somebody else. To sponsors and other backers, drop them like a stone – people won’t want, or should not want – your products if they are associated with this despicable plan. And to fans we say take your support elsewhere.
Let these so-called elite clubs have nothing and they will be nothing.
© KJM Today 2021
Image - London Evening Standard