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An Unbecoming Display

The opening of the EU Parliament is, according to some, an event that is overly grandiose and has, by one commentator, been likened to 'something from Star Wars.'

Whether it is or not, it is nonetheless an occasion at which to show at least a little respect, even if one doesn't like it very much. The turning of backs by Brexit Party MEPs was not wise. Granted the purpose of the party is to ensure the UK leaves but there are better ways of showing disapproval of the EU and its way of doing things.

Whatever one's view of the Brexit MEPs and their party however, at least their MEPs were dressed appropriately. We have taken due note of the criticism made on platforms like Twitter - there are countless condemning the Brexit Party but significant by their absence is an equal condemnation of the Liberal Democrats and those bright yellow T-shirts. This display was nothing short of a disgrace. Not only are the wearing of T-shirts highly inappropriate but the use of bad language only adds further insult.

By all means campaign to ensure the democratic vote of the majority is carried out and by all means campaign to have the UK rejoin the EU if that is what you wish. But it is utterly wrong to do it the way the Liberal Democrats did.



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