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'The Vote' Part Two

It’s probably fair to say that yesterday’s vote in the House of Commons represents a major shift in politics for the United Kingdom.

Today’s vote of confidence may be less so, as it is not unreasonable to believe that it will fail – although that it not necessarily a forgone conclusion but the scale of yesterday’s result was quite stark. It does however, mean that this might be a good time to pause for a moment and, if at all possible, stop and think about what might transpire for life in the UK over the coming months. There is little doubt that those Conservatives who voted against the Government’s Withdrawal Agreement are, for the most part at least, sincere. Equally without doubt is that there are some, and far too many, who are simply posturing to stop Brexit. Unfortunately, those that are trying to do so do not have that right.

As we say however, let’s start thinking about what happens next however.

It is time for some calm, rational thought, debate and then action, action to remove the UK from the EU, as a majority of those who voted said it must be.



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