I Am Not A Populist

Pete North

February 7, 2024.

I am not a populist for thinking failed asylum seekers should be thrown out of the country instead of being free to chuck acid in women's faces.

I'm not a populist for wanting a realistic and pragmatic energy policy.

I am not a populist for thinking we've had too much immigration.

I am not a populist for thinking we have a bloated and oversubscribed university system.

I am not a populist for doubting the effectiveness of foreign aid.

I am not a populist for thinking we shouldn't be rushing towards every passing war.

I'm not a populist for thinking judicial activism is bad for democracy.

I am not a populist for thinking taxes are too high and that welfare spending should be brought down.

I am not a popullist for thinking children should be protected from harmful gender ideology. I am not a populist for thinking men should not compete in women's sports.

I am not a populist for thinking Jihadists should not be free to intimidate teachers and politicians.

I am not a populist for believing immigrants should be pushed to integrate better.

I am not a populist for opposing arbitrary climate targets.

I am not a populist for objecting to politicians mandating what and where I can drive.

I am not a populist for objecting to the legacy national broadcaster being used to advance left wing ideologies such as white privilege.

I am not a populist for thinking we should have functioning borders.

I'm not a populist because I don't want a heat pump.

I'm not a populist because I want fit for purpose regulation instead of clapped out EU bureaucracy.

I'm not a populist because I think farmers should be able to make a living by producing food.

I'm not a populist. I'm not far right. I'm just a voter who is tired of political incompetence in a state where nothing gets done and nothing works, where politicians are completely absorbed by trivia.

I just want grown-up effective government that doesn't "nudge" me and steal my money to prop up their vanity projects. I'm sick of feeling like that's too much to ask. If I can't get that from a supposedly centre right party, I will vote for a "far right" or "populist" party. Call it whatever you want, I won't be voting for you.

© Pete North 2024

Image - AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

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