The Prime Minister's Agenda

Whatever one may think of Boris Johnson, he is the Prime Minister.

Talk of his having no mandate is rather spurious as the procedure to elevate him to leadership of the UK followed the same well-trodden path as many of his predecessors. It is worth pointing out that no objections arose to the rise of Gordon Brown by Labour supporters when Tony Blair stepped down. Likewise, in an earlier era, the same applied to Jim Callaghan succeeding Harold Wilson. So there can be no objections now.

A Conservative party led by Boris Johnson will have a verdict placed upon it at the next general election – whenever that my come.

In the meantime, the Prime Minister has announced a number of new policies, policies that seem to have the approval of many people around the country. Given that he has also appointed a new cabinet (and one of the most diverse in history), it is not a surprise that he has also decided to prorogue parliament.

This again has resulted in howls of rage from his opponents. Yet it is entirely normal for parliament to be prorogued when a UK government wishes to introduce a new programme of legislation. It has been done many, many times before, by both Conservative and Labour Prime Ministers. The PM’s actions are not a ‘coup’ or an assault on democracy either, and by taking this action at this time of year, parliament would not be sitting anyway – it’s the party conference season. Like it is every year. Only four extra parliamentary days will be lost over and above those normally lost every year at this time. Those opposed to the exit of the UK from the EU still have sufficient time to make their point.

Although whether or not the country needs to hear them yet again is another matter. Tory rebels would do well to consider which side they are on. Whenever the next general election is held, there are already a number of MPs who will not be Conservatives.

A new intake of MPs, more representative, more in touch with ordinary people, is badly needed. On all sides of the House of Commons.